Some Weakest Links in Cyber Security You Should Know

Do you know? It takes over 280 days to detect, identify and contain data security breaches. MSP company offering CMMC cybersecurity services often emphasize the need to close the security gaps to prevent cyber-attacks. In this blog, find out about some common data security weaknesses. 

  1. Bad Email Clicks

When it comes to phishing attacks, all it takes is a single bad email click. One email click is enough for exposing your network to phishing schemes. Given how email and social engineering technologies have become complex and sophisticated, it’s fairly common for one to click on a malicious link. If you receive a dubious email, verify if the sender is a trusted source. Always crosscheck the URL of the email before opening it. 

  1. Weak Passwords

Weak passwords can put your network security in jeopardy. Therefore, one should be mindful about practicing good password etiquette. This includes changing the passwords frequently. Besides this, enabling multi-factor authentication will add an extra layer of protection to your network. 

  1. Obsolete Operating Systems

Operating systems that are outdated can cause a potential security threat to your network. This is because outdated operating systems miss out on critical updates that are offer protection against cybersecurity vulnerabilities. However, with tools like automated systems management, you can ensure that the devices connected to your network are secure and up-to-date. 

  1. Non-Secure (SSL) Website Visits

One should always be mindful of the SSL tag of a website before visiting it or submitting any information. The IT solutions and services company recommends business owners train their workers about SSL or secure socket layer protection. In addition, one can easily check if a set is SSL secured by looking for a lock symbol and https in the address bar. 

  1. Out-of-Warranty Firewalls

Using out-of-warranty firewalls can make your network susceptible to intrusion. Out-of-warranty firewalls can weaken your frontline defense and expose your vulnerabilities to cyber attackers as they don’t get access to the latest security updates. Having up-to-date firewalls is essential as it ensures the safety of the IT environment and IT assets. It’s advised to follow industry best practices when it comes to cybersecurity. 

6. Unsecured Devices

In recent times, the hybrid workforce has immense gain popularity amongst corporate organizations. In a hybrid workforce, employees frequently either bring their own devices to work or carry office devices to home. Increases in the mobility of corporate assets mean increased risk to its security. Therefore, if you have a BYOD policy in place, it’s essential to ensure that all the assets and devices with access to corporate data are secured and protected. 

7. Firmware and Software that is Unsupported

With technological advancements, cybercriminals also have advanced cyber-attack techniques. Every day, new threats and viruses appear that target vulnerabilities of software and firmware. The best way to prevent your firmware from becoming a target for cyber-attacks, keep its licenses updated. 

8. Unmonitored Networks

Networks and systems that are not monitored and checked regularly are at risk of becoming an easy target for cybercriminals. Cybercriminals can penetrate such networks can take advantage of their weakness. Whether you have a small business or large enterprise, make sure to have a Security Operations Center in place. …

Understanding NIST Incident Response Plan Steps in Detail

In the ‘Computer Security Incident Handling Guide,’ or SP 800-61 Rev. 2, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, usually referred to as NIST, provides its guidelines on Cybersecurity Incident Management and Response. Since the framework can be complicated to grasp, DoD companies can hire experts for CMMC solution and services.

NIST Incident Response Strategy

Given the increasing complexity and frequency of cyber assaults, malware infections, and security breaches throughout the world, computer security incident management has become a key corporate activity. It has now become essential to approach IT and data security from the standpoint of reaction instead of prevention.

The NIST’s Cybersecurity Incident Handling Guide aims to help organizations improve their overall security and incident management abilities via proper planning, cybersecurity education, and allocation of resources.

It also emphasizes post-incident activities and data analysis in order to improve security procedure and offer the chance for better uncovering and reaction in the future.

In a nutshell, the guide’s overwhelming message to the entire firm will be assaulted at some point in its existence. As a result, the best method to strengthen your data security and endurance strategy is to guarantee that your cybersecurity staff is sufficiently trained, that your company recognizes cybersecurity and incident handling, and that all relevant players feel responsible.

“Creating an incident management policy and strategy” is the first need outlined in the guidance for developing an event response capability. 

What exactly is a Cyber Security Incident Response Plan (CSIRP)?

A Cyber Issue Response plan is a road map for security professionals to follow when dealing with an attempt to breach cybersecurity. It provides basic guidance to the assault management staff and guides them how to promptly react following a cybersecurity occurrence.

This strategy should be tailored to the nature, scope, size, and aims of the organization. Some major criteria in this strategy, however, are consistent across sectors and regions.

Steps for the NIST Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan

Different Cyber Incident Response Plan Templates explain the phases or procedures of appropriate incident response in various ways.

According to NIST, the primary stages of the Cybersecurity Incident Response Process are as follows:

Here is an explanation of each of the steps in the Incident Response Lifecycle.


As the term implies, this phase focuses on preparing the organization for a cybersecurity attack. It entails forming and educating a security incident response staff, as well as deploying technologies and assets that might prevent security problems from occurring. Even though the incident response staff is not accountable for procuring assets, prevention of events falls under the heading of preparation.

Detection and Analysis:

While no organization can be fully prepared for possible future assault, it is prudent to keep a framework in position to cope with the most prevalent attack vectors. Fulfilling CMMC compliance requirements is also essential when it comes to cybersecurity.

Another factor that contributes to the importance of the Detection stage is the fact that many firms are unable to determine whether or not they have come under the assault of cybercriminals. Because timely identification is critical, the security response team will be in a position to confirm an event promptly and then analyze its extent – what assault approach was implemented and what resources were compromised.

Post-Incident Activity:

This phase focuses on the cyber incident’s lessons learnt. Following a large event, the NIST guideline proposes conducting a ‘lessons learned’ conference with crucial personnel  on how the organization may jointly improve to be better at addressing such situations in the near future.

Proper post-event activities can give light on crucial questions surrounding an occurrence, such as what occurred and how successfully the employees handled the situation. You can also discuss the organization’s incident response plan and its efficacy in these sessions.…

How to Use the NIST CSF to Enhance Ransomware Preparedness?

Ransomware is an ever-present threat these days, so organizations are continuously looking for methods to strengthen their security. The demand for managed IT services for government contractors has also gone up in recent years. One effective way is to use a robust cybersecurity framework to drive security strategy and apply industry standards. Many firms rely on the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Cybersecurity Framework for an ideal cybersecurity boost (NIST CSF). 

What exactly is NIST CSF?

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) is a security framework that outlines a focused, adaptable, reproducible, performance-based, and cost-effective method that people and businesses can proactively use to improve their cybersecurity profile. It also assists critical infrastructure owners and operators in identifying, assessing, and manage cybersecurity risk.

Core Functions of the NIST CSF for Ransomware Risk Management

The following are the basic NIST CSF core responsibilities, as well as some configuration options for a malware risk management approach:


 NIST CSF aids in the identification of procedures and commodities that must be safeguarded. This covers data storage and access network points, which are vital in combating ransomware assaults.


NIST CSF also attempts to safeguard your resources from cybersecurity threats by implementing suitable measures. It offers effective methods for ransomware protection, such as 

  • whitelisting websites, email screening, and
  • Educating consumers on how to recognize warning signals of a ransomware assault.


Detection entails putting in place measures to detect and identify ransomware efforts. This is true for cybersecurity incidents that are frequent antecedents to ransomware assaults, such as spreading spam messages or SMS messages with unfamiliar website URLs. Consider installing the following to thwart any ransomware activity:

  • Honeyfiles and honeypots
  • Intrusion monitoring and mitigation systems
  • File scanners


According to the NIST Standard, readiness requires more than merely being prepared to act but also being able to do so quickly. This is because speed is essential when it pertains to ransomware assaults. When a ransomware hacker has access to a document or a network, it’s typically too late to stop the danger. Conversely, if you have the necessary response mechanisms and safeguards, you may guarantee that the attack’s impacts are reduced to the greatest extent possible.


Your backup system is the most critical installation for ransomware attack recovery. An adequately set up backup strategy will enable you to keep usually working while dealing with the ransomware assault.

How to Use the NIST CSF to Enhance Ransomware Preparedness?

According to the NIST Standard, the best way to attain ransomware preparedness is to take purposeful actions toward it. The methods listed below might help your company prepare for ransomware.

Step 1: Establish Priorities and Scope

Determine your purpose, company objectives, and top-level organizational preferences. To guarantee that security measures do not inhibit your goals, you should connect every cybersecurity plan with your entire mission. Defining your goals and objectives will also offer insight into your firm’s many forms of risk.

Step 2: Inform the Organization About Impending Changes

Once the scale of your cybersecurity program has been determined, you may advise your business about the networks, commodities, compliance standards, and general risk strategy that will be engaged in the program’s execution. This is also perfect for speaking with your managed IT services provider about identifying risks and weaknesses.

Step 3: Develop an Up-to-Date Cybersecurity Profile

Make a profile of your existing cybersecurity strategy benchmarks by defining which NIST CSF Category and Subcategory outcomes your firm is currently capable of achieving. Take note of outcomes currently being worked on or partially completed since these will assist steer your future cybersecurity measures.

Step 4: Perform a Risk Assessment

Determine the possibility of your firm experiencing specific cybersecurity occurrences and the consequences of such incidents. Recognizing the consequences of cybersecurity incidents is crucial because it will help you better plan for new dangers.

Step 5: Create a Target Profile

A target profile identifies modifications to your present profile that must be made to reach your intended cybersecurity results, including your goal Categories and Subcategories scenario. This will act as the organization’s aim.

Step 6: Identity, Analyze, and Close Gaps

Platform migrations and updates frequently involve discrepancies; this is a crucial step. Evaluate your existing and desired profiles to see if any shortages need to be filled before going live. Develop prioritized plans of action to remedy any gaps discovered. Check that even these action plans take into consideration all mission factors, expenses and rewards, and hazards. This allows you to focus your efforts on evaluating the resources you will require to solve the shortages in a cost-effective, focused manner.

Step 7: Carry out Action Plans

Execute your strategy to achieve your desired profile. Follow the process and adjust your current cybersecurity activities to achieve as near to your desired cybersecurity position as feasible. You can also seek help from sector-specific norms, guidelines, and procedures.…